Apple Power Mac G5 ATX Conversion

Modernize and repurpose and a 20-year old Mac with the latest computer hardware.

The goal is to have a fully functioning PC built inside of a vintage Power Mac G5 enclosure. The priorities are to preserve the external appearance, retain the existing functionality, and build a custom cooling package.

Converting old Macs into PCs are not unique, but I have yet to see a conversion that preserves all of the original design and functionality elements. To do this, I plan on mounting all of the new hardware to custom brackets that utilize the existing mounting locations in the case. This is neccessary because the Power Mac uses proprietary standards to mount key components, and modern computer hardware is not directly compatible.

I also plan on making this build modular. The original Power Mac G5 had swappable cooling components and hard drives. This made tooless disassembly on parts of the computer possible, and there are few consumer computers that can do this today.

The final unique aspect of this build is the cooling system that I plan on using. Unlike most new computer cases, the Power Mac G5 case only has vents in the front and back. This allows for directed airflow, but sacrafices on the maximum cooling potential.

Conventional PC

Power Mac G5



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